OS Util TIps/Windows

[펌] EasyBoot를 이용하여 멀티부팅 시디를 만들어보자.

시처럼 음악처럼 2008. 1. 23. 18:08
퍼온곳 : http://www.ezbsystems.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=1;t=287;st=40

Hi! Here is a solution where u won’t need any win2k.bat or other bat files. And u won’t have to copy boot files also.... so here what u should do

I am assuming I will create a bootable CD with 3 OS (XP, 2K & 98)

Step1: copy the folder “i386” from Windows 2000CD into “EasyBoot\disk1\”
Step2: rename “i386” to “WN2K”

Step3: copy the folder “i386” from Windows XPCD into “EasyBoot\disk1\”
Step4: rename “i386” to “WNXP”

Step5: create a folder “WIN98” under “EasyBoot\disk1\”
Step6: copy all files from “Setup” from Windows98CD into “EasyBoot\disk1\WIN98\”

Step7: make a duplicate copy of the file “EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\w2ksect.bin”. and rename it into “wxpsect.bin”

Step8: open “replace text” from “EasyBoot – Tools”. browse the file “SETUPLDR.BIN” from “EasyBoot\disk1\WN2K\”. find “i386” and replace all with “WN2K”
Step9: browse the file “TXTSETUP.SIF” from “EasyBoot\disk1\WN2K\”. find “i386” and replace all with “WN2K”
Step10: browse the file “SETUPLDR.BIN” from “EasyBoot\disk1\WNXP\”. find “i386” and replace all with “WNXP”
Step11: browse the file “TXTSETUP.SIF” from “EasyBoot\disk1\WNXP\”. find “i386” and replace all with “WNXP”
Step12: browse the file “w2ksect.bin” from “EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\”. find “i386” and replace all with “WN2K”
Step13: browse the file “wxpsect.bin” from “EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\”. find “i386” and replace all with “WNXP”

Step16: copy all files Starts with “CDROM” from Windows2000CD into “EasyBoot\disk1\”
Step17: copy all files Starts with “WIN51” from WindowsXP CD into “EasyBoot\disk1\”

If u also want ur CD to be able to run from Windows environment. do the following.
Step18: copy the file “Setup.exe” from “Windows 2K CD into “EasyBoot\disk1\”
Step19: rename the file to “2kSetup.exe”
Step20: copy the file “Setup.exe” from “Windows XP CD into “EasyBoot\disk1\”
Step21: rename the file to “XPSetup.exe”

Step22: open “replace text” from “EasyBoot – Tools”. browse the file “2kSetup.exe” from “EasyBoot\disk1\”. find “i386” and replace all with “WN2K”
Step23: browse the file “XpSetup.exe” from “EasyBoot\disk1\”. find “i386” and replace all with “WNXP”

That’s it boys select “w2ksect.bin” for Windows2000, select “wxpsect.bin” for WindowsXP. And select “setup98.img” for win98.

Build ISO and burn…………my ISO’s size were 768MB. Remove the Folder “LANG” from “EasyBoot\disk1\WN2K\” and “EasyBoot\disk1\WNXP\” if u don’t need any other language rather then English. It will save lots of space.

My DirStructure was Something like this :

if any 1 using WinXp Service Pack Intregated (SlipStreamed) then please skip Step4 and Step13. other wise it will ask service pack cd source.